Magnetyze Flip Case For Samsung Galaxy S4 Debut At 2014 CES

Magnetyze Flip Case for Samsung Galaxy S4 Debut at 2014 CES

Image Credit: Magnetyze

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Magnetyze made the first debut of its Flip Case for the Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone. This momentous revelation took place at the 2014 CES event. It will be long remembered in the annals of technological breakthroughs.

The covers and protective cases of smartphones are getting glitzier by the second. At the CES 2014 event this year, Samsung got a new addition in its repertoire of tech savvy accomplishments. A flip cover for its Galaxy S4 was introduced to a rapt audience of charged individuals. It comes in two hues: blue and while.

“We are pleased to announce these additions to our fast-growing family of smartphone protective cases and charging accessories, which provide users with protection, power and ‘grab and go’ convenience,” said Jessie Revlin, Senior Director of Marketing at BuQu Tech. “We look forward to announcing additional cases and accessories throughout 2014.” 

The Magnetyze flip cover lends a great deal of safety status to the smartphone par excellence. It even has a magnetic cable for charging purposes. Other items that got showcased include a cover for the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S. As for the magnetic technology on the former, it is the latest of its kind. 

Then there was the rechargeable magnetic battery which was greeted with wonderment by the crowd of tech freaks. A LED gauge allows owners to see how much energy is left in the fuel cell. This Magnetize Mobile Battery happens to be the most suitable travel companion for businessmen and other sophisticated people. 

On the whole, it was a show that sparkled with interesting highlights and scientific intelligence. Technology has acquired an aura of its own in the 21st century. With the possibilities becoming virtually limitless the only thing one can say with regard to smart phones and all things digital is that the sky is the limit.  

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