Microsoft has plans for bringing other titles to Xbox One besides the Titanfall

Microsoft has plans for bringing other titles to Xbox One besides the Titanfall

Photo Credits: Microsoft

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Microsoft Studios corporate vice-president clearly states plans to bring more exclusive titles to the next gen console in 2014

The excitement builds up as the Titanfall, the most highly anticipated Xbox One title, nears its launch date. The game will come out this month but this is not the only title which we are looking forward to. The Xbox One fans will be thrilled to know that Microsoft has been planning to launch several exclusive titles for the next gen console. In a recent tweet, Phil Spencer, the Microsoft Studios corporate vice-president, clearly spilled out the words implying that there will be other exclusive titles coming out this year.

These exclusive titles are extremely important for the growth of a console and we can see that both the predecessors of these two next gen consoles have had their own line of exclusive titles and many of them formed the most popular gaming titles of all time. But the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 are moving towards becoming part of the history and Microsfot certainly has to put more focus towards its latest gaming console. This is important because if Microsfot wants to take the Xbox One one step ahead, it will have to keep developing newer and more exciting titles for it and this is pretty much understood by the developer of the console because some surprises have already been planned for this year.



Though Phil Spencer has clearly indicated that there will be more to look forward to for this year but we are not sure whether he meant multiple titles or just one. It might be true that the Halo 2 anniversary is coming out to the Xbox One this year.

source: wccftech

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