Miley Cyrus: Good Girl gone Bad!

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A Wild Child who is not the least bit Mild…

Birth on the Planet Earth 

November 23rd, 1992 (she was born during the month which inspired the song November Rain by Guns ’n’ Roses)

Region of her Legion

Nashville, Tennessee (that is the central hub of good old country music)

Social Accounts




Official Website

What she is Giving in Return for a Living

Extroverted Songstress, Screen Sheila and Musician-cum-Lyricist. She underwent a radical transformation in her personality recently. This is due to the fact that half her life she was the ideal kid…then she just exploded and let her inner child out of the bag…and that child was a big brat! 

Tidbits from her Life…

Miley first came to prominence due to her role as the sweet girl next door on the Disney series Hannah Montana. She had sent samples of her voice and acting clips to the studios for the audition. And although she was rejected at first, later on she was to be the chosen one to play the role of Miley Stewart in HM. She is portrayed as an ordinary girl who leads a secret life as a teen pop star. The film series is an experience in itself and it launched Miley’s real career. It is strange how life imitates art! Later on Miley was to repeat the selfsame move in her own career as an extraordinary pop star.

Her godmother is none other than the famous country singer with the huge pendulous breasts, Dolly Parton. Dolly of course knows how to enjoy life and is a very famous legend among country singers. She is known for her flamboyant style.  

Though she became a wild child later on in life, Miley still does not refrain from giving some good advice. She once was climbing the staircase at a party when Jennifer Lawrence (think Hunger Games) puked in front of her due to having drunk too much alcohol. Miley told her in very clear words that she ought to pull herself together. However, she did not say it in a judgmental manner. Rather she spoke the words of sincere support in a casual and friendly way.  

When Miley went wild as a bobcat during her performance of “We Can’t Stop”, President Obama was present in the audience and he was a bit shocked by the openness and liberality of Miley. She performed hip jerks in a very vulgar manner which became a viral phenomenon known as twerking. Meanwhile, she lasciviously dangled and extended her tongue from her mouth. Her hair was done up in such a style that it seemed that she had two devilish horns on her head. The song basically represents the concept that freedom means freedom in everything.  

Among her earlier songs, one which stands out was “Party in the U.S.A”. It was a funky number that was upbeat and very lively in its tempo. This here was the sort of song that you just had to get up and dance to. And it was later on parodied in the form of a hilarious YouTube spoof titled “Farting in the U.S.A”. 

Miley recently appeared at the VMAs with a buddy in tow. And she sent him onstage to collect the award for her sake. The man was a homeless vagrant and Miley was supporting the cause of providing shelter to derelicts and the runaway youth of America. She was crying tears like diamonds and pearls at the event when Jesse, as was his name, spoke words of truth regarding his situation at the VMAs. Later on however it was discovered that he was wanted in his state for a crime he had committed.   

How She Got From Here to There

Her parents are country singer Billy Ray Cyrus and his wife Letitia Jean. Her parents totally believed in her from day one. And they gave her the nickname of smiley since she was a very cheerful child right from the beginning of her existence. However, later on the “s” was dropped whether by accident or on purpose and she became famous as Miley.  

Miley was born and bred on a large farmhouse. She grew up watching Mother Nature all around her in its pristine state. It must have been a wonderful life as a child full of dreams and new surprises at every corner. She was also a church member and a practicing Christian (that is before the Hollywood life led her into other avenues that were more secular).   

Her first big break was of course with the Hannah Montana franchise and Disney truly bled her dry by employing her talent in the series. It was partly in reaction to this over-infantile and maudlin not to mention sentimental show that Miley decided to become extra-shameless in her later songs and moves. Well, that is the way of all extremes. They convert into their opposite in the end. 

Her movie The Last Song depicts the experience of a boy and girl that love one another and then part never to meet again. It is the classic Romeo and Juliet story. 

One change that Miley made once she discarded her old goody two shoes look for a bolder and more badass persona was that she cut off her long tresses. The new pixie cut was very sexy and cute and made her look like Tinker Bell. She had this hairstyle during the Bangerz Tour.  

Madonna joined Miley during a performance once and both put on cowboy hats and danced together. They also stuck their tongues out rudely to show that they were women that were not afraid of the status quo. 

Miley has a medical condition known as tachycardia since her birth. She has faced issues with regard to rapid heartbeat many times during her concerts due to this weakness or should we say natural flaw in biological architecture. 



  • Hannah Montana
  • Bolt
  • The Last Song
  • So Undercover
  • LOL

Awards & Accolades

  • American Music Award
  • Bambi Award
  • Billboard Music Award
  • Capricho Award
  • Emmy Award
  • Golden Globe Award
  • Golden Raspberry Award
  • Kids’ Choice Award
  • MTV Award
  • People’s Choice Award

Able to be Quotable… 

  • Miley’s favorite color is pink (like that of most girls). She says that it is the color of attitude. 
  • She is a real party animal. According to her, life is all about having a very good time by partying hard and enjoying everything to the hilt. 
  • This kickass girl believes that those who morally blame you are actually filled with hate because they are simply jealous of you. 
  • She does not believe in perfectionism. While being a role model is not a bad thing, being perfect sucks big time. 
  • Cyrus thinks differently from others. It is self-belief that makes her tick. The word impossible does not exist in her dictionary. 

The Girl’s got Guts and that means no If’s, And’s, Or’s and But’s!

Two Cheers for MC…Miley Cyrus…a Pop Star that is tastier and tangier than a Lemonade Popsicle!

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