Moore’s Law turns 50, Happy Birthday!

Moore’s Law turns 50

Credit: Intel

  • Moore’s Law That Predicts Computing Power Has Turned 50


The law that is used in the computer world to calculate computing power turned 50 on Sunday.

Gordon Moore presented his paper in 1965 on calculating computing power. The name of his title was ‘Cramming More Components onto Integral Circuits’. Gordon Moore went on to become the co-founder of Intel. His paper is celebrated as the original inspiration for Moore’s Law.

Moore’s law states that the number of transistors that can be installed on an integrated circuit doubles every two years. It was Gordon Moore who presented the concept and his idea is still being used in the computer industry.

His concept was so much right that people weren’t able to understand whether the computer industry was following his law or they were trying to prove it. But there was something else when we took a closer look at his paper.

It seems like Gordon Moore never said what his law has now come to mean. His paper in 1965 did focus on components that can fit on a circuit and he also wrote about the factors that impact that growing number.

It wasn’t until the year 1975 that the idea of transistors being doubled every two years emerged. So his original paper can now be therefore viewed as something that eventually gave rise to one of the industry’s iconic intellectual underpinnings.

So we can now say that Moore’s paper was spot on in the start. But then we can see that he comes very close to what is today known as the Moore’s Law. His law proved to be priceless over that past five decades.

Now it seems like it won’t last any longer as chips at 14nm were made by Intel. Intel is working on a new type of processor for the future and the processor is called a Broadwell processor.

Moore’s law might only survive for a couple of processor generations but after that we will eventually have to wave goodbye to his law. This is because the circuits today are so small that escaping heat is a big problem.

Source: Intel

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