Native American Actors leave Adam Sandler Film over Script

Native American Actors leave Adam Sandler Film over Script

Loren Anthony Instagram & Getty Images

Several Native American Indian actors left Adam Sandler’s film high and dry. They claimed it denigrates Native Americans and females which is a shame.

About 12 Native American actors have decided to call it quits as far as Adam Sandler’s recent comedy Western movie is concerned. Their reason for boycotting the film: it is demeaning to and totally degrades American Indians and females.

The movie is titled The Ridiculous Six and its set is located near Las Vegas, New Mexico. These 12 Native American actors walkout from the set on Thursday, according to the Indian Country Today Media.

Among some of the pathetic and stupid scenes the so-called comedy had in it /4/be included an Apache woman going down on her haunches and micturating while puffing on a pipe to end war as well as insulting names of female Indians such as Beaver’s Breath and No Bra.

One of the actors who has already left the film and its makers to their own devices has said that he and several others were already feeling uncertain about some of the scenes and talked about it with the producers. They in return told them that it was their choice to accept the conditions or go to hell. 

According to CNN, the actors said that in fact racism and a condescension to others who were unlike them had not been transformed into tolerance or fair-play. The White Man was still at large and ruled Indians with an iron fist. Especially in Tinsel Town, it seemed things changed very very slowly.

Most of the Native Americans felt a sense of moral repugnance at some of the acts they were forced to enact on set. They said that it was the most disgusting series of dramatic gestures and made them want to cry instead of laugh.

Among the actors on board the Adam Sandler production in synch with Netflix were: Nick Nolte, Steve Buscemi, Will Forte and Luke Wilson. Based on The Magnificent Seven, the movie is a parody and satire in many ways. Vanilla Ice will play Mark Twain in the movie.

Netflix answered the racism charges by issuing a statement to the effect that the title contained the word “ridiculous” for obvious reasons. It was meant to be taken with a grain of salt and in good humor.

“The movie has ridiculous in the title for a reason: because it is ridiculous,” a Netflix spokesperson told Deadline on Thursday. “It is a broad satire of Western movies and the stereotypes they popularized, featuring a diverse cast that is not only part of — but in on — the joke.”

Instead of getting all riled up over insignificant things, the audience as well as the rest of society ought to enjoy it for the lighter side of life that it portrayed. But some of the Native American actors find the movie an affront to their traditions and absolutely undignified. They think it is in bad taste.   


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