Nokia Technologies to Enter Phone Market Independently

Nokia Technologies to enter phone market independently

The division of Nokia is currently working on numerous projects including VR.

Within the Nokia brand, Technologies appears to be the smallest division but still it has control over almost 100 patents which makes it an important division. So far, the division has associated itself with the release of only two main products including an Android app called Zlauncher and the N1, an Android tablet design which will be selling in China.

According to the latest information from Re/code, the division is planning to get into the mobile business since the phones also use the same strategy which has been applied to the N1 tablet. Nokia Technologies is also experimenting with a couple of other projects at the moment and rumors have been circulating around that they might be working on virtual reality.

The VR industry has recently taken a boost and we don’t see any reason why the division wouldn’t be interested in it if they have the resources. However, it would be too early to wait for Nokia phones to show up in the markets because this is not going to happen anytime before 2016, keeping in mind the terms provided by Microsoft.


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