North Korea Celebrates Knife Attack on Ambassador Mark Lippert

North Korea Celebrates Knife Attack on Mark Lippert

Photo Credit: Getty Images

United States ambassador to South Korea, Mark W. Lippert, has been attacked by a screaming man with a knife in South Korea. The ambassador is in stable condition.

As reported earlier, U.S. Ambassador to South Korea, Mark Lippert, got attacked today in Seoul, South Korea by a man with a knife. The ambassador was attacked with a razor blade by a man at a venue where Mr. Lippert was scheduled to give a lecture. He suffered wounds in the face and arm and was brought to a nearby hospital. He tweeted a couple hours ago that he is doing well and is in great spirits. 

Mr. Lippert underwent a 3 hour surgery and doctors stitched him up with 80 stitches in his face according to this CNN report.

North Korea is taking advantage of the surprise attack and said via its official news agency KCNA according to the Reuters that this is “deserved punishment.” North Korea calls the attack “The knife of justice” and that it reflected “anti-U.S. sentiment” in South Korea.

The attacker identified himself to reporters at the scene as Kim Ki-jong. He said that the assault was an act of protest against the annual joint military exercises that the United States started this week with South Korea. He was immediately arrested right at the scene.

U.S. Ambassador Mark Lippert was actually scheduled to speak at a breakfast meeting hosted by the Korean Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation, a local group. 

Mark Lippert was appointed U.S. Ambassador to South Korea last year. You would think that South Korea is a safe country and that an attack like this on a United States official is very unlikely. 


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