NSA spies on 122 key influential leaders of the world

NSA spies on 122 key influential leaders of the world

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The US agency makes use of a system “Nymrod” for this unlawful surveillance

After this many of us would hold varying thoughts about the NSA but one thing we might all think would be that it is better to stay out of its inside details because as it appears, the more we get to know about the NSA stories, the worse it gets. The latest story claims that this US agency now has targetted the 122 most influential and important leaders in the world for the purpose of unlawful surveillance.

In order to make this surveillance possible, a “Nymrod” system has been used by the NSA and this extremely advanced surveillance system is allowing the agency to achieve what it wants to. This highly advanced system has the ability to track, record and even log the key communications from various sources for instance the ones coming from cell phones, text messages and emails. And most importantly, these key communications are deemed “cites” from the US agency.

Among the leaders which are being targetted are Ukranian Prime Minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, German Chancellor Angela, and Syrian President Bashar Asad. These are just a few names and there are many others in the list which have had “cites” collected from their communications. A recent report was published which gave away this secret mission but it also gave an insight into the efforts of the British Government Communications Headquarters when they were trying to access data from German companies like IABG, Cetel, and Stelar. This would help to target the NSA’s efforts at surveillance trying to get some more specific data. It doesnt come as a surprise to us that NSA is capable of doing such a thing but this is rather worrying because there might be so many other hidden agendas which the agency has and which might never even get discovered.

source: spiegel

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