Paralyzed teen to kick World Cup’s first ball

Paralyzed teen to kick World Cup's first ball

Photo Credits: The Guardian

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The kid will do so by wearing a motorized exoskeleton which is going to be controlled by the brain.

The World Cup this year is going to bring something more extraordinary and more interesting than just the usual bicycle kick scoring the winning goal. In a joint effort of universities such as Colorado State University, The Technical University of Munich and Duke University, a paralyzed kid is going to get the chance of opening the biggest football event.

The event will kick off as this guy will kick the ball wearing a motorized exoskeleton which is going to be controlled by the brain. This comes as a promotional gesture for the Walk Again Project and recently Colorado State University published a video which showed its part in the project. The video helps us to understand how the mind-control helmet was 3D-printed layer-by-layer in order to fit the wearer’s head and connect the electrodes.



The video is a perfect gateway for new ways into technological advancements and how far its effects can reach. It promotes the idea of robotics and 3D printing and how the use of it can completely transform the lives of people in ways they would never even have imagined possible.

source: techcrunch

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