Passenger dies on Plane due to Ebola

Passenger dies on Plane due to Ebola

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The patient traveling to New York from Lagos in Nigeria died on the plane after vomiting and chest pains. Airport authority checked the patient for Ebola virus before letting the passengers off the plane.

A 63 years old man clutched his chest and after a bout of vomits and increasing chest pains, died on the plane. He had boarded the plane coming from Lagos to New York. Africa has been an Ebola virus inflicted region for the past few months and the plane crew anticipated that the deceased man’s death might be because he was carrying the virus.

The JFK airport authority and security officials were called to handle the situation. All the passengers were asked to stay on board while the door connecting the plane to the terminal was open all the time. The JFK authority called CDC to analyze the patient. The CDC doctors and specialists arrived on scene and after a series of quick tests; they declared that the patient was not a carrier of the virus.

After this reassurance, the rest of the passengers were allowed to get off the plane. According to medical reps, the man died of a heart attack apparently but confirmations are yet to be made. The dead body was escorted off the plane and handed to the authority. The 63 years old deceased’s body is unclaimed as of yet.

After the incident, New York Congressman Peter King raised concerns about being exposed to the virus. He has expressed concerns about CDC’s efficient results and that they might be wrong in their diagnosis. In which case, it is seriously concerning that the people might be exposed to Ebola.

According to a letter that King wrote to Homeland Security, the airport staff, security personnel and medical response teams should be trained properly and given proper equipment to save themselves in case they are actually exposed to the virus if the patient they are treating in fact carries the deadly virus. They did not take proper precautions in this case, the terminal door being compelling evidence. 

He went further to say that until the Ebola persists in the region; all flights from Africa should be banned as a precaution so the Americans should not be exposed in any way to the virus. POTUS should cancel all scheduled flights from West Africa where the virus seems to persist according to King’s demands.

WHO has reported that there has not been many patients in Africa recently and if that continues, the region would be declared “Ebola-free” but until then passengers from Africa should not come to the USA. The letter from King to Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson is going to raise a lot of queries because at least 100 passengers arrive from Africa everyday to USA.

Source: DailyMail

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