President Obama expresses himself fully on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Watch President Obama reading Mean Tweets on Jimmy Kimmel Live

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  • Watch President Obama reading Mean Tweets on Jimmy Kimmel Live

President Obama expressed himself fully recently on Jimmy Kimmel Live. He shared some lighthearted moments and also said on a more serious note that the Ferguson shooting of two police officers was not to be tolerated.

President Obama was in LA recently on a trip. And as his presidential jet airplane Air Force One landed he also made a round of the place in which he paid a visit to the Jimmy Kimmel Live Show.

There Obama took part in various shenanigans of speech. He shared his mean tweets which denigrated him in a jocular manner. One of them said that in order to light up Obama’s eyes you need to focus a torch-beam through his ears.

Another one mentioned the fact that you would have to find an isolated spot where there was a golf course on earth where Obama could be abandoned. Jimmy Kimmel said that Obama was the first Kenyan socialist president of the United States.

Upon hearing this, Obama said that they drove vehicles on the other side of the road in Kenya. Then Kimmel also mentioned on Twitter that Obama was the man who would get rid of all of Kimmel’s parking tickets which had accumulated up until then. 

Kimmel went on to ask Obama if he was aware of Area 51 and if there were any aliens there. Obama took this with a grain of salt and laughed it off. Then when Kimmel spoke of whether Obama knew Hillary’s email address, the president nonchalantly said that he knew it, but she wouldn’t want Kimmel to know about it.

Finally, in a time of subdued silence, Obama struck a serious note by saying that while what had happened in Ferguson was reprehensible, nevertheless this did not allow people the right to take the law into their own hands.

The gunning down of two police officers was a criminal act that had sent shock waves in the body politic. Obama said that people ought to cooperate in matters of conflict and even if they had to protest, they ought to do it peacefully and in a pacifistic manner.

No matter how grave the injustice, nobody had the right to start a series of bloody vendettas and thus make a travesty of the law. Obama vowed that the criminal elements responsible for shooting the two police officers would be brought to justice and given the most exemplary punishment.  

Watch below the video of President Obama reading Mean Tweets on Jimmy Kimmel Live


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