Real Housewives of Beverly Hills to drop Kim Richards

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills to drop Kim Richards

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Kim Richards of the reality TV show RHOBH, has a questionable alcoholic status currently. Whether the state of the lass is clean or sozzled depends on whom you listen to.

Perspective is everything! Some people on the show RHOBH will say that Kim Richards was not only swigging bottles of Jim Beam but that she was into popping pills into her mouth to boot. Others though have a different take on the whole shebang.

They claim that she was as sober as George W Bush after he took a vow to forsake whiskey and cocaine. Now who are we to believe? Truth is the first casualty of an information war. There were several people who were insiders on the show and who swear that her behavior went from bad to worse on set.

Among those who ignored her and steered clear of her in order to avoid any confrontation were Kyle Richards, Lisa Vanderpump and Yolanda Foster, according to TMZ. However, the newer members on board the platform did not exactly have the patience of angels so things got a little colorful.

Lisa Rinna and Eileen Davidson did get into some spats with Kim and the results were not pretty.  

While Kim would do her best not to even touch a drop of the demon drink in the company of her colleagues, when she went for a break into her wardrobe room, she would just take swig upon swig from the bottle of fire water.

Then when she would return on the set she would be a miserable wreck of a human being. Maybe this was the reason behind the two wholly different views of her as drunk as a skunk and clean as a dean.

Nevertheless, compared to her previous drunken shenanigans, Kim is really very much in the mainstream of normality in the recent seasons of RHOBH. Meanwhile, a person who has seen both sides of Kim and knows her inside out is Brandi Glanville.

She says that Kim is cool as a cucumber and also has a wild child side. Kim’s sobriety remains an issue and it was seen when a dog trainer arrived at her house and had to put her to bed in order to calm her frayed nerves.

She was also recently arrested on charges of being pickled in public and assaulting a police officer. Kim needs help. She is in deep trouble and the sooner she joins some rehab or an AA group, the better it would be for her mind which is on permanent  vacation. 

Sources close to RHOBH production told TMZ that “producers feel Kim’s substance abuse issues make her a liability.” However, the decision to drop Kim Richards has not been made, but “the alarm has been sounded and there’s serious discussion about giving Kim the ax.”


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