Royal Baby Name must be Diana. Why?

Kensington Palace Twitter Account

The newborn royal princess who is the daughter of Kate Middleton and Prince William /4/be named Diana in honor of her late grandmother.

When was the last time a princess was born in the royal family? It’s been ages since a little angel, like the one that entered the lives of Prince William and Kate Middleton, came into this world. When the announcement was made there was quite a hue and cry outside the hospital. “It’s a girl” was shouted and screamed out by the fans and well-wishers of the royal family. 

It could have been a baby boy too but this time around it was a baby girl. Currently, she is called Princess Cambridge, that is until her guardians select a proper name for her. She has arrived at a stage in the history of the UK when election fever is rampant and Prime Minister David Cameron is busy polishing up his image in order to gain the vote bank for his party.   

The baby girl is a blank slate or tabula rasa of sorts. She is unaware of the pains that full-fledged consciousness brings in its tow. The innocence and naivette is something that most grownups cherish and envy. And despite the bets on what she will be named, it is only proper to name her Diana. So Diana it will be. Her late grandmother’s name is very suitable indeed. 

“The baby must be called Diana. Whether it is her Christian or middle name, she will, without any doubt, be Diana,” Allison Pearson writes in The Telegraph.

The late Princess Diana’s ring was visible on Kate Middleton’s finger. Prince William had given it to his wife so that his mother would be present in a spiritual sense at that particular moment. But Prince William does not want his immediate family to undergo the same fate as his late mother. Princess Diana was the most sought after royal member and she was finally hounded by the media till her tragic death in a mysterious car accident. 

Back then Elton John also composed a song in her honor titled “Candle in the Wind”. Prince William also carried his son, the diminutive Prince George, in his arms at the hospital. The boy looked positively confused. Will the birth of a baby sister lead to some sibling rivalry? Ah, but that is human nature and its complex machinations cannot be avoided even if we have blue blood running through our veins. 

Now Prince William and Kate have two babies, a boy and a girl. Congratulations to the Duchess of Cambridge on her second successful conception of a cute little baby. And this time the baby will be swaddled in pink instead of blue since it is a girl. 

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