Shadow Of Mordor Steam Key Gets Big Price Drop This Week

Shadow of Mordor Steam Key Gets Big Price Drop This Week

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PC gamers can now try a new coupon at Green Man Gaming cutting more than a quarter of the price out of the new hit release.

On September 30th Monolith Productions released its latest single player hit Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. At launch the game sold for $49.99 on PC and $59.99 for consoles. Today that $10 discount has increased considerably at Green Man Gaming. They’ve just launched a new 27% coupon code, cutting $13.50 off that already reduced $49.99 price tag.

Green Man Gaming’s coupon will run through Friday, October 17th at 11am Eastern.

The game is based on events in J.R.R. Tolkien’s universe prior to Lord of the Rings. Almost universally it’s done well with reviewers, garnering a high 86/100 rating on Metacritic.


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