SnapSaved Confirms that The Snappening File is from their Server

SnapSaved Confirms that The Snappening File is from their Server

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The Snappening is still drawing huge interest despite turning out to be nothing. The operators of SnapSaved have issued now a statement that confirms the SnapChat photos have been stolen from their server.

The Snappening is still captivating the Internet despite nothing is happening since last Thursday when a file of stolen SnapChat photos appeared. 

While there are no images from the stolen file got published, there is now confirmation that the circulated Snappening file is from discontinued SnapSaved. The post on Facebook also refers to a PasteBin posting that apparently is from someone who has the Snappening file. SnapSaved says it never gave anyone the index file. The claim that a hacker got in and stole it.

Obviously its not cool to have an index file of photos that has been received and sent via SnapSaved. On the other hand users of SnapSaved have not been cool either as the service allowed to store images that were supposed to delete itself.

The Snappening turns out to be not interesting so far. The internet has apparently though not given up on “The Snappening” yet. Kenny Withers, who broke the Snappening story first had to switch hosting as his ISP could not continue providing the bandwidth for his blog.

Mr. Whiters says that 50% of the traffic come from discussion threads on Reddit. Reddit picked up his blog last week and was the starting point of the Snappening hype.

The situation remains that there are about 90,000 photos and videos that are downloadable in a file via the Torrent network. The content is though turning out to be not interesting for the 4Chan and reddit community. As it stands The Snappening is going to fade away as the content has not the fire power of the private celebrity photos leaked in the Fappenings.

As reported the Snapchat service got compromised via a 3rd party app. SnapChat has stated that the servers have not been preached. The copied photos are all from users that used a hacked thirdparty app. 

The involved hackers are supposed to release a searchable website today containing the stolen Snapchat photos. Since a lot of photos might be from underage users (50% of Snapchat users are 13-17 years old), the hackers are hopefully aware of this and not publish compromising photos of kids. If they do it also would raise the level of criminal charges.

On Sunday Mr. Withers updated us with new conversations that he found between hackers about The Snappening file. On anonymous user said that the searchable database of Snappening photos will not happen and that this was just some blabla from some…

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