Sofia Vergara denies Ex-Fiance’s Frozen Embryos Destruction Claims

Sofia Vergara denies Ex-Fiance's Frozen Embryos Destruction Claims

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Sofia Vergara defends ex-fiancé Nick Loeb’s claims against her to terminate preservation of her embryos.

Sofia Vergara’s ex-fiancé Nick Loeb filed a lawsuit against her in court to terminate the preserved embryos they had signed on to keep together to have children

Back when they were an engaged couple, Sofia Vergara and Nick Loeb created the Female Embryos using In Vitro Fertilization for the purposes of attempting to have children created the Female Embryos using In Vitro Fertilization for the purposes of attempting to have children.

The documents state them as Jane Doe and John Doe for the purpose of anonymity. The said couple who had signed the contract together and no unilateral action can terminate the process. 

Most recently, Nick has filed a lawsuit against Sofia last August and then filed an amended complaint on April 1 in L.A. Superior Court. He said that she has expressed her wish to destroy the frozen embryos under all circumstances. The claim went with him saying that she didn’t want any children with him anymore. 

“Vergara has never wanted to destroy her embryos,” Sofia Vergara’s attorney Fred Silberberg said in a statement to E! News. “Attached are consent forms that both Vergara and Loeb signed in November 2013. The highlighted paragraph clearly states that no unilateral action can be taken with regard to the embryos unless both parties consent.

“Vergara has never suggested that she wished to have the embryos destroyed. She has always maintained that they be kept frozen, a fact of which Loeb and his counsel have always been aware, despite Loeb’s statements to the contrary.

“Vergara, who has happily moved on with her life, is content to leave the embryos frozen indefinitely as she has no desire to have children with her ex, which should be understandable given the circumstances.”


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