- Project Morpheus Virtual Reality System for PlayStation 4 to arrive Next Year
The Project Morpheus virtual reality system for the PlayStation 4 is to arrive in the first half of next year, thanks to efforts by Sony. It will revolutionize the gaming industry as we know it.
It was 365 days ago that a sample for Project Morpheus got introduced to the public. This VR system for PS4 by Sony has since then had many new changes added to its makeup. This automatically allows for it to be ready for market release.
The set date is going to be anytime in 2016 and it will radically transform gaming as we recognize it in its present form. The basic purpose of this novel VR system is to make the player of the game feel as though he or she is a part of the environment. And by that it is meant almost literally a part and parcel of the surroundings.
The difference between reality and virtual reality is not as much as many suppose. It might be an alternative form of the real world yet that does not make it any less appealing or fascinating.
The audiovisual facility and the tracking amenity make the VR system so wonderful to experience that we bet that those employing it on a daily basis will forget about the actual world and get immersed in this digital universe for all it is worth.
Among some of the chief transformations made in the system /4/be included: changes in its OLED display, additions to the refresh rate, the lowest latency, better tracking and last but not least, ergonomic design.
The 5 inch display screen has been enlarged so that it is now 5.7 inches. And the resolution of the pixels is high too. The blurring faults have vanished leaving the view crystal clear and without a single flaw in it. As for the 120 Hz refresh rate, it is double its previous frequency.
This leads to some very lucid visuals. The low latency is crucial to the VR situation and so it has been reduced to 18ms. Then the head set has been augmented with three additional light emitting diodes which now make for a total of nine LEDs.
Finally, the helmet-like exterior device fits on the person’s cranium like a glove encloses a hand, snugly and warmly. You won’t even feel the weight of the gadget since it is made of light materials. And it has the most beautiful and sleekest of designs.
As the launch date is still way off in the future, the excited fans of this gizmo are getting even more rabid as the days and months pass by. They can’t wait to get their hands on this VR system. It’s the best by Sony!
Source: PlayStation Blog
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