Terminator-Inspired 3D Printer CLIP is 100 Times Faster

CLIP: A Terminator-Inspired 3D Printer which is 100 Times Faster

Carbon 3D
  • New 3D Printer is even more Sophisticated than Previous Models

A new 3D printer bearing the title CLIP is even more sophisticated than previous models. It is faster and acts in a more solid manner than the layer by layer task-achieving printers of yore.

Carbon 3D has finally introduced its CLIP 3D printer to the rest of the world. This leading-edge high-tech product employs layerless construction of solid objects of any shape or type. The TED conference was the avenue where this wonder-work got displayed for all to see in its variegated glory.

It is plastic-based in its printing strategy. And this baby is a game changer that furthers the cause from prototypical stuff to three-dimensional production of stocky objects that have substance and style.

CLIP stands for Continuous Liquid Interface Production and it is a technology that makes the mare go. Light, natural or artificial, along with oxygenated air are combined to organically inflate objects from a reservoir of resin in this 3D printer.

The layering process will soon be a thing of the past thanks in no small part to this novel arrangement. Not only is this latest gadget quicker and speedier (by a hundred times) but it churns out the highest quaity goods.

And the range of material substances that /4/be used are virtually limitless depending upon the nature of the refills. The CEO of Carbon 3D spoke of how the previous models had failed to deliver and with CLIP technology the entire genre will get rejuvenated and revolutionized for the better. 

The fact of the matter is that in the past, 3D printing was actually just two-dimensional mimicry with a little added twist. The production process was long and arduous and some of the points in the consistency of the objects produced were vulnerable to fracturing.

This of course was due to the layering technique which was primitive by today’s standards. The photochemistry used in the CLIP technology is the exact opposite of the obsolete mechanisms used hitherto. The journey from blueprint too basic finalized object is one smooth, speedy and systematized assembly scheme.

The window employed in CLIP is made of semipermeable material so that both oxygen and sunlight are absorbed through it. The curious reaction that occurs in the resin refill causes polymerization and genesis of solid objects in real time.

Besides this, the parent company of CLIP technology has teamed up with Sequoia Capital in order to secure its adventures in venture capitalism. The nascent technology needs funding and for this cooperation is of the essence. 



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