Theo James speaks his Mind on Divergent sequel Insurgent

Theo James speaks his Mind on Divergent sequel Insurgent

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The handsome and smart actor, Theo James spoke his mind recently on various topics of interest related to the sequel to his movie Divergent titled Insurgent.

Theo James plays the romantic interest of kickass babe, Tris Prior on Divergent. And now with the sequel premiere titled Insurgent having gone smoothly, he readily expressed his mixed opinions on everything from the acting hurdles to his chemistry with his costars.

He is still a young man and he has his whole life ahead of him in which he can look forward to conquering the town that is Hollywood. Theo is Tris’s boyfriend in the series. He characterizes Four, the well-wisher of Prior in the movie which is based on a series of Orwellian novels by Veronica Roth.

He sat down for some one-to-one frank talk regarding Insurgent and his role in it with Reuters. He had rolled with the punches and he spoke of how the film dealt with the fact that war was hell. He said that as Four, his character had to lay everything on the line in the sequel.

As for Prior, she had tragically lost her guardians and was ready to kill any enemy in the line of fire. Four’s task is made more difficult by the wild and manic streak in Prior.  

The sequel was more flexible in its fidelity to the original book so the acting talent on set had the freedom to improvise in a pretty relaxed manner. As far as pushing the envelope was concerned, both Theo and Shailene did their parts and played their game with acuity.

Theo James went on to elucidate the delicately framed message regarding war and wartime in the film. While it was shown in all its brutality and cruelty, there was no madness of mass carnage and meaningless genocide in the subtext.

That thin fine line between fighting for a cause and killing people in the way of mindless terrorism was always maintained and beautifully portrayed. Theo also explained that when you kept some things top secret and hid them away from public scrutiny there was bound to be a gaping chasm between the rulers and the ruled.

This often led to insurgence and insurrection which were words related to the title of the sequel. As long as injustice remains there will always be revolutionary fervor among the populace and revolt will be the order of the day.

Finally, Theo James also mentioned that he was an actor in the movie in order to entertain and provide vital information to his fans and the general audience.

It was a learning experience alright and although he had benefited immensely from the whole shebang, he had never let it go to his head. He remained close to his roots which was really the only thing that mattered in the end. 


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