The device aims to removes the “Digital Barrier” that separates people from the world around them and each other.
The higher probability of the increased use of technology taking us away from our actual lives has been debated on since years. However, some things might have brought a turn in events and now we can possibility start arguing that the use of technology can also be used to bring people together. We are clearly referring to the Realism Smart Device which is the newest innovation of The Company of Others which is calling this a truly special gift – it is the present of being present. And this might have come at the most perfect moment; right in time for the holidays to be the special gift.
This smart device understands how a digital barrier always exists between people even if they are standing inches apart from each other and it aims to end this barrier by allowing the users of digital devices to connect with and be present for the people and things which really matter.
In today’s world, we cant even possibly keep track of how many devices are in use at one time in a person’s possession and it is considered absolutely normal for people to look at their phones or other mobile devices for at least a hundred times throughout the day. The youth in particular is spending more time on the digital devices, giving at least 55+ hours a week which is more than what an adult spends at work.
The Company of Others President Scott Brown says “Smart devices, as most of us know them, have created an epidemic of missed opportunities, missed moments and missed connections. What happened to great conversations, focused concentration, or simply being present? We believe Realism can help bring people back to reality by encouraging a balanced use of technology devices.”
The interesting thing about Realism is that it is not only a product but also a public message which aims to create more awareness among people. This comes in response to how widely the problem of technology addiction is being recognized in today’s world.
The device, which is available in red, white, black and clear, allows people to take part in the real life in ‘real time’ and not just worry about recording or observing it. It is extremely light weight which makes it easier to carry and the best part is that it is never going to run out of batteries so you don’t have to worry about keeping it charged.
source: realismsmartdevice
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