The Royals Premiered in the US

The Royals premiered in the US

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  • The brand new E! scripted series ‘The Royals’ premiered in the US

Liz Hurley stars as Queen Helena in the monarch mock series by E! which premiered in US and is due to premiere in the UK

And we’ll never be royal…surely the Lorde song wasn’t meant to explain this predicament but Mark Schwann brings the new E! original first scripted series to life. The audience craving the sophisticated melodrama offered by O.C. and Gossip Girl can finally stop looking as this show has been scripted along the same guidelines. 

The Royals premiered in the US on Sunday and has already created a buzz. The theme of the show features around a royal family (the fake one of course) and instead of representing a noble, virtuous family, the drama represents a darker, corrupt and raunchy version which the star of the show Elizabeth Hurley assures will not insult or offend ‘the Royal Family’. 

The show premiered on Sunday night starring Elizabeth Hurley as Queen Helena who dresses in body hugging Italian designer outfits that are seriously classy but not what the royalty would be caught dead in wearing. The style is of course signatory of Hurley featuring Cavalli, Dolce and Gabbana and accessorized by expensive jewels, classy shoes and delicate furs. Hurley plays an over-zealous and controlling Queen who is awfully confident and has a certain venomous charm to her. Hurley executes the role perfectly. 

Compared to what she has to work with, she might be in her every right to do so. Her husband is played by Vincent Regan, King Simon who is a Republican and soft hearted and in the premiere he is shown contemplating to ask the Parliament to vote off the monarchy. The Queen has more work to do with Prince Liam (William Moseley) who is a playboy of sorts and is very much infatuated with the daughter of their head security guard. Conveniently named Ophelia, the girl is not royalty nor is she British.

That raises a lot of concern for the Queen. The most concerning child has to be the youngest Princess Eleanor played by the young Aussie actress Alexandra Park who bears a close resemblance to the younger version of Hurley. The young princess plays a drug sniffing party animal who makes her first appearance in the episode at a Parisian bar partying hard. Meanwhile Prince Liam spends the night with Ophelia. 

The night ends with the tabloids featuring a picture of Princess Eleanor dancing pantyless on a bar table whilst she arrives at the palace washed out in a helicopter after a night of wild partying. It seems like the only ‘good son’ of the family Prince Robert was too good to be true to be featured in this messed u family and his death is reported to the family in the premiere. The Prince has died in military service and the family is brought together for the funeral of the passed away Prince.

Whilst the family arrives including the King’s brother Cyrus’s two tottering, dim-witted ginger daughters played by Lydia Rose Bewley and Hatty Preston, the family mourns Prince Robert and the fact that they will have to spend the upcoming days with the rest of the family and under their mother’s control. The Queen is shown to shed a tear at the loss of her son which she quickly wipes away when someone enters the room. While the King tells her that she can cry, she says that she’s the Queen and she must not.

She then takes the control of the life of the other two and tells them to pull it together as the media will be observing their every move. Even then, Prince Liam invites Ophelia over to dinner during the funeral and Princess Eleanor takes some assorted pills to get past the dinner. The attention is however gained by the King as he expresses his plan for the future of monarchy and the Queen is furious with her husband. Eleanor invites Ophelia to have drinks with her on the terrace where they encourage each other to be ‘bad-ass’. 

The Queen finds out that her husband has replaced a footman in his pyjamas in his bed as the Queen walks in on him in a sexy lingerie piece. She later finds him, furious and tells him to start acting like a king. It /4/be in time because Cyrus seems to have plans of his own to claim monarchy. 

The next morning the tabloids are onto the royalty even in mourning as Prince Liam asks Ophelia if she was ready for the life in the spotlight as they step outside together and are seen by the media and the Queen. With the future throne in his name, Prince Liam now becomes the focus with plots brewing already, the script was average only slightly lifted by the actors and is yet to reach its fullest potential hopefully by the time Joan Collins arrive who would be playing Queen Helena’s mother. 


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