Tori Spelling Might Be Pregnant

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Tori Spelling isn’t sure but claims she /4/be pregnant.

True Tori’s second season was said to be the continuing story of Tori Spelling’s search for happiness and honesty. She is doing all of this with her husband Dead McDermott. And by looking at the sneak peak of the show, we can clearly say that she hasn’t found honesty and happiness. 

From the looks of it we can expect more fighting, drama and tears. The promo to the shows claims that Tori Spelling’s husband is returning from his native Canada. We might see Dean crying out the fact why his wife is with him after he cheated on her a year ago. 

The only thing that has kept them together might be quality time. At the end of the promo, Tori tells the world that she might be pregnant. You guys should go online and search for the promo. 

And try watching the fashion in which Tori announces the pregnancy. This is one upsetting looking season premiere and we wonder how the parents are really doing. The Mystery Girls star said, “We made it through”. 

She said that she wanted things to be comfortable between her and the children and that one day she would like to tell them about their parent’s rough time with each other. 

41-year-old reality TV star also said that she would one day like to tell the kids that things weren’t easy back then and the fact that you always have to work on relationships. 

Tori also said that she would tell the children that sometimes bad things happen to the family members but you have to walk past that and move forward. She really hopes that her children are going to forgive their parents and that they would understand the intensity of the situation. 

Tori Spelling previously told Eonline that they are working on things. She said that she would do everything in her power to keep this family from falling apart. Tori said that all of them would have to take one step at a time. Dean said that he’s working really hard on himself. 

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