Twitter Stock Prices go Down after Q1 Earnings leaked Online

Twitter Stock Prices go Down after Q1 Earnings leaked Online

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  • Twitter Stock Prices Go Down After Reports That Latest Earnings Leaked On The Internet

The social media company is already struggling with investors and now that their stock price is going down, they will have a hard time getting more investors.

Twitter has always struggled with investors because the investor’s main concern has been that the company isn’t expanding. The growth rate of the company has been really slow. Their stock prices have gone down since a leaked tweet showed the world their latest earnings.

Twitter didn’t officially release their first quarter earnings but a company called Selerity leaked the company’s earnings in a tweet. Selerity is a data science company. They hunt for online addresses of earnings releases based on past URLs. This company posted Twitter’s first quarter’s earnings.

The results weren’t good and this sent the social media company’s stock price down more than 18 percent by the market’s close. During one of the company’s earnings call, a rep said NASDAQ manages Twitter’s investor relations site.

Twitter didn’t accuse the stock exchange of botching the release but said it had told that the earnings numbers shouldn’t be posted until the market’s close. Twitter reps have said that they are still investigating the matter.

When the numbers were leaked, they weren’t impressive at all. Twitter did launch a lot of new products and features. They have also been working on user features and have tried to ensure users that they will feel safe on Twitter.

Twitter’s revenue has rose 74%. They earned $436 million in the first quarter. The analysts believed that the company was going to make $456.5 million in their first quarter. And the company also averaged 241.6 million mobile monthly active users. Again the analysts believed that the number was going to be in the region of 243 million.

Dick Costolo who is the company’s CEO said that the revenue growth has fallen slightly. It isn’t up to their expectations and this is because of lower than expected contribution from some of their newer direct response products. The company is going through some rough time as we remember they started public trading of their stocks last year.

Source: Twitter , NYTimes

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