Credit: CBS
Two and a Half Men ends after 12 seasons of laughs with a disappointing finale, killing Charlie’s character again in a poor plot move by Chuck Lorre!
‘Two and a Half Men’ has finally come to an end after 12 years and 250 episodes. Even though the main star Charlie Sheen left the show and Ashton Kutcher took the lead in 2011, the show prevailed with power. While the writers killed off Sheen’s character a few years ago in the show, the die-hard fans were still hoping for a cameo by the star.
Considering the actor Charlie Sheen’s very controversial and bitter departure from the show, even casual viewers were anticipating a cameo by Sheen in the 12th and final season. The hype had been building around for a whole year. Even Sheen publicly admitted he would love to make a cameo for the last season and the promo for the finale hinted at such a development.
The finale was filled with cameos from previous stars Melanie Lynskey, Angus T. Jones, Amber Tamblyn, Judy Greer, John Stamos, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Christian Slater.
Has he tried #AngerManagement? @Schwarzenegger #TwoAndAHalfMenFinale pic.twitter.com/Hpf9bBmKsb— Two and a Half Men (@TwoAndAHalfMen) February 20, 2015
The two part finale centered on the revival of the character of Charlie Harper. The episode started with the development Charlie was never even dead as he had no death certificate and no one had seen his body.
It was soon revealed Charlie had been alive all this time. Rose had locked up Charlie in a pit in her basement as a punishment for cheating on her with a French maid during their honeymoon. Charlie escapes from the pit and makes his way back home, even possibly to take revenge on Alan, Rose and Walden.
As the hype continued to build up during the broadcast in the final scene we see someone resembling Charlie walking up to the Malibu beach house, but just as he is at the front door a piano falls on him.
The scene then cuts to the creator of the show Chuck Lorre, who grinned and said ‘Winning’ before a piano also fell upon him. Lorre famously fired Charlie Sheen four years ago and has apparently tried to show his superiority with a cheap move, with absolutely no regard for the fans feelings.
A majority of the fan and critics reaction has been negative for the finale. All in all after watching the finale and especially the distasteful last few minutes, all I could think of was Good Riddance!
This message by EP #ChuckLorre ran on-air immediately following the series finale. #TwoAndAHalfMenFinale http://t.co/PuxN9bzMk4— Two and a Half Men (@TwoAndAHalfMen) February 20, 2015
See below some twitter reactions of fans about finale of Two and a Half Men.
The #TwoAndAHalfMenFinale was epically surreal!!! Wasn’t expecting that. Love that they broke the fourth wall.— James Wan (@creepypuppet) February 20, 2015
#TwoAndAHalfMenFinale Folks, I know I’m going against the grain here (yet again), but I don’t think that show is any good.— Conger eel (@neonwario) February 20, 2015
#TwoAndAHalfMenFinale wait, the show didn’t end when @charliesheen left?— Nikki® (@nikkifaceful) February 20, 2015
#TwoAndAHalfMenFinale meant a lot to me, because it means I made it through the entire run of the series without watching it.— Frank Conniff (@FrankConniff) February 20, 2015
“Go for Stamos.” “Stamos, you’re just a handsome guy who got lucky on a sitcom!” #TwoAndAHalfMenFinale— Will Harris (@NonStopPop) February 20, 2015
These writers are hitting this one out of the park. #TwoAndAHalfMenFinale— Melissa McDonald (@M3lissaMcDonald) February 20, 2015
you killed it @Schwarzenegger @TwoAndAHalfMen awesome how they made @charliesheen the center of the #TwoAndAHalfMenFinale #winning— LEE THOMPSON (@NPCTEXAS) February 20, 2015
“He has some rage issues.” “Has he tried anger management?” “Yeah, but it didn’t work out.” ZING! #TwoAndAHalfMenFinale— Will Harris (@NonStopPop) February 20, 2015
If Charlie Sheen does not show after all this angst this was terribly written and horribly executed #TwoAndAHalfMenFinale— eggsy || manda (@shadesofships) February 20, 2015
#TwoAndAHalfMenFinale is weird, wacky and and insanely clever all at once.— Lesley Goldberg (@Snoodit) February 20, 2015
Schwarzenegger summing up 12 seasons of #TwoAndAHalfMen in 2 minutes is genius. #TwoAndAHalfMenFinale— Philiana (@insidethetube) February 20, 2015
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