Megyn Kelly Questions Dick Cheney’s Views on her Show

Megyn Kelly Questions Dick Cheney’s Views on her Show

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Megyn Kelly recently seriously questioned Dick Cheney’s views when he appeared on her show.

Dick Cheney has been a constant thorn in the side of the liberal media and Obama. Although his boss, Dubya has been reticent to offer any opinion ever since he left office, Dick is all the time speaking his mind extempore regarding all the liberals whom he considers idiots. 

He reserves his ire especially for Obama. Recently he went so far as to reprimand Obama on the war in Iraq (which he supported under Bush). Finally, when he appeared a few days back on Megyn Kelly’s show, he got his comeuppance. 

It was a moment of showing the mirror to the former vice president. He had thought that the Fox NewsChannel would be favorable to his views. But Megyn Kelly decided to take the bull by the horns. She spoke of how he had been the most maligned man in America due to his views on Iraq. 

Megyn Kelly began the show by quoting liberal Washington Post columnist Paul Waldman:

“‘There is not a single person in America who has been more wrong and more shamelessly dishonest on the topic of Iraq than Dick Cheney, and now as the cascade of misery and death and chaos, he did so much to unleash raises anew, Mr. Cheney has the unadulterated gall to come before the country and tell us that it’s all someone else’s fault.’ The suggestion is that you caused this mess, Mr. Vice President. What say you?”

Cheney responded with his standard defense: “I think we went into Iraq for very good reasons. I think when we left office, we had a situation in Iraq that was very positive… What happened was that Barack Obama came to office, and instead of negotiating a stay behind agreement, he basically walked away from it.”

Kelly furthermore said that he was actually the man who instigated it all and now he had the audacity and guts to come before the nation and call the current president the villain in this regard. 

Megyn called this shameless and worthless behavior and asked him to make an honest reply if he dared to do so. Dick was left with a blank expression on his face. 

“You said the Iraq insurgency was in the last throes back in 2005. And you said that after our intervention, extremists would have to, quote, ‘rethink their strategy of Jihad.’” said Kelly. “Now with almost a trillion dollars spent there with 4,500 American lives lost there, what do you say to those who say, you were so wrong about so much at the expense of so many?”

Cheney then responded by saying that when he had made the decision to enter Iraq under Bush, it was the right thing to do. But when Obama came to office he simply walked away from his responsibilities with regard to Iraq. 

The result was chaos, war and terrorism on a scale unseen hitherto. But Kelly didn’t let go so easily. She asked him pinpointed questions about how his strategy and the former presidential decisions were totally misguided. All they had planned was in ruins. 



Today after trillions of dollars spent and over 4500 US soldiers killed in action in Iraq, everyone in the government seemed to be at a loss. And it could be all traced back to the vice president and the president. Cheney was left with meaningless excuses. He had no alibi as to Bush’s wars way back during his reign as a neoconservative.  

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