Walmart Cyber Monday Evening Edition Sale announced

Walmart Cyber Monday Evening Edition Sale announced

Walmart will have a special Cyber Monday Evening Edition Sale on Monday with new Cyber Monday deals.

The Walmart Cyber Monday sale is underway since Saturday. Walmart is still hold back the best deals that they announced in the Walmart Cyber Monday 2014 Ad. Other Cyber Monday sales including Target and Amazon have already pulled out all the stops and sell the pre-announced Cyber deals.

Walmart is apparently aiming to offer most deals either later on Sunday or Monday morning. Walmart has revealed a new Cyber Monday event for consumers that do not have time to shop Cyber Monday in the morning and during the day. The Walmart Cyber Monday Evening Edition sale. Walmart got the idea for the Walmart Cyber Monday Evening edition sale from a survey.

According to the Walmart Omnibus Cyber Monday survey 1 in 3 millennials plan to start shopping online in the evening. About a 3rd of interviewed people said that they shopped Cyber Monday in the evening last year.

In the past the hottest Cyber Monday deals have sold out until Monday evening. The Walmart Cyber Monday Evening Edition brings new deals into play, which is great for consumers. So mark you calendars. There one more Cyber Monday sales highlight from Walmart coming on Monday evening.

Shop the current Walmart Cyber Monday deals on sale.

I4U News is tracking Cyber deals throughout the whole Cyber Week. Do not miss a Cyber Monday deal and follow us on Twitter and check our Cyber Monday Deals Page often.

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