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Like many other mobile companies, ASUS also decided to unveil its upcoming smartphone at CES 2015. However, a teaser video of ASUS ZenFone has been released ahead of CES 2015.
CES 2015 international is the world’s biggest technology event, thus it is the world’s best platform for introducing the upcoming technological gadget. ASUS has decided to follow the footsteps of other famous mobile companies and introduce its new Zenfone at International CES 2015.
For many years the company has been launching and selling their phones in the Asian market, but now it seems they have finally decided to charge in the American as well as the Canadian market.
Last year, the company launched their first mobile phone at CES 2014 and according to the reviews the phone was not only affordable but it also had good processing speed. And again this year, the company plans to refresh its line of phones.
Recently the company posted a teaser video on its official Facebook page by title “See what others can’t see only”. The video provides you with a teaser regarding upcoming ASUS ZenFone that is set to be debuted at CES 2015.
The teaser video with the caption “See what others can’t see” is of 10 seconds and it does not give away much information. All one could presume is that the phone has dual back rear camera. The idea of having a dual rare camera seems to be the new ‘in’ thing, especially after LG introduced this concept in its notebook.
So far, the company has launched three Zenfones, but none of it made its way into Canada, despite the company’s strong tablet presence in the country. Last year, the company mentioned that it is planning to make a debut in the American consumer market and for that they are talking with the retailers and carriers, but it did not talk about any progress in Canada. In 2014, however the company did launch its first phone into the American market.
The company released another teaser on YouTube stating “We leave traces of ourselves wherever we go.” The quotation was followed by the tag line of the company. The video had the same caption as that of the previous teaser.
You can always watch the teaser yourself in order to deduce your own conclusion. Also, you can know what there is to know about the phone during its demonstration at CES 2015. The company plans to broadcast its demonstration at CES 2015 International online.
The sad part it, beside this chucks of information we do not have much on the upcoming Zenefones. However, we hope that the dual camera concept gives the phone the every needed edge over its competitors.
The world biggest technology event is going to take place in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event will start on the 6th of next month and it will last for three days. During these three days the world will come to know about all the upcoming products and services by numerous companies.
Read More Hot News About CES 2015.
Many famous mobile phone companies such as LG, Sony, Apple and Samsung are planning to unveil their upcoming mobile phones at CES 2015. These companies are also planning to introduce their other Smart-gadgets.
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