Martin Le-May
An incredible photo of a baby weasel riding a woodpecker in the air has become an internet sensation within 24 hours.
A photo of a British wildlife enthusiast Martin Le-/4/has taken the internet by storm after it was shared on Twitter on March 2nd. Wild Life photographer Jason Ward initially posted the incredible photo showing a small weasel hitching a ride on a green woodpecker in mid-air. What looks like a Batman and Robin bromance is though a fight for life. The woodpecker was able to escape the attack of the weasel.
ABSOLUTLEY INCREDIBLE photo by Martin Le-May. Green Woodpecker and Weasel. Apparently the Woodpecker escaped. pic.twitter.com/PUt1b2Mbhs— Jason Ward (@Jayward7) March 2, 2015
There always internet users that do not believe that the weasel riding a woodpecker photo is real. For proof see this post on Bird Guides that contains three more snaps of the weasel attack that begins on the ground. The article also includes a description of how Martin Le-/4/managed to score this once in a life time photo.
From Mr. Le-May’s encounter: “The woodpecker was unnaturally hopping about like it was treading on a hot surface. Lots of wing flapping showing that gloriously yellow/white color interspersed with the flash of red head feathers. Just after I switched from my binoculars to my camera the bird flew across us and slightly in our direction; suddenly it was obvious it had a small mammal on its back and this was a struggle for life. The woodpecker landed in front of us and I feared the worst. I guess our presence, maybe 25 meters away, momentarily distracted the weasel. The woodpecker seized the opportunity and flew up and away into some bushes away to our left.”
It would not be the internet as we know it if the woodpecker weasel photo would not become a meme. Under the hashtag #WeaselPecker creative minds have shared hilarious modified versions of the photo including Putin riding on top of the weasel topless, which got topped by adding a Stormtrooper chasing the threesome.
There is also meme showing “The Dress” riding the woodpecker as well as Miley Cyrus, Madonna, John Travolta and many more. See the best #WeaselPecker inspired memes below.
Didnt take long for this to happen! #WeaselPecker pic.twitter.com/ErEKsX2Lc3— Charlie Hayes (@oxfcharlie) March 3, 2015
@sheeraf @Laradio Putin<Weasel<Woodpecker chased by Stormtrooper. pic.twitter.com/bEsxl690Pm— Marcel Steeman (@msteeman) March 3, 2015
That photo of a weasel riding a woodpecker has spawned the #WeaselPecker meme. http://t.co/7uvf9zeOYQ pic.twitter.com/WK8dFYC1u2— someecards (@someecards) March 3, 2015
I came in like a #WeaselPecker pic.twitter.com/9pkVciT9t4— The Poke (@ThePoke) March 3, 2015
No meme is complete with out @DanBilzerian #WeaselPecker #RideOrDie @ClintPadilla pic.twitter.com/wfgK7G4xWJ— Nacho (@Nachoooooo) March 3, 2015
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