Zayn Malik is Stressed Out and leaves One Direction’s World Tour

Zayn Malik of One Direction is Stressed Out and taking a Tour Break

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  • Zayn Malik of One Direction is Stressed Out and taking a Break

Zayn Malik of One Direction is not with his band while they are on tour. He is back in the UK relaxing and chilling out since he is very stressed and taking a break.

Zayn Malik of One Direction needs to take it easy. The vital member of One Direction has taken a turn that is in another direction. He has left the band high and dry and is back in his native United Kingdom to hang loose and let his hair down. He had been getting a lot of flak on Twitter to the effect that he was seen in Phuket, Thailand with a girl who was not his fiancee, Perrie Edwards.

Zayn got truly sick and tired explaining himself and finally let loose a volley of insults at his detractors on Twitter. He said that he loved his fiancee and that there were a lot of jealous idiots in the world who should just shut their traps. He used the “F” word to label those who were engaged in online tirades against him.

He also mentioned that he was a rational and responsible adult that was capable of looking out for himself and he didn’t need advice or support from anybody. If someone found his behavior so obnoxious that was their problem and not his.

It appears to be the case that Zayn might want to take a serious look at his career and whether he really wants to continue in the band that is reputedly the #1 band in the world. The remaining four members have no issues continuing without him.

In fact, they might already have planned a substitute to take his place anytime soon. He will get plenty of time during his rest and relaxation break to think things through. Currently though he is too stressed to take it all in a stride. 

While this /4/be a tragic note for Zayn’s fans, it is probably best that such an arrangement occurs. While Zayn cools his mind in the UK. The rest of the band members are on tour without him. The four remaining members did just fine without his company.

They covered the void he left in his place by improvisation and a whole lot of previous practice. However, there are many who saw this coming. Zayn was the most vulnerable and itchy member of the band. He has been seen mostly just going through his lines and routines in a most haphazard way.

The young pop star probably isn’t enjoying himself doing his job as a musical talent and there might be other avenues he could choose to explore if he wants to. Maybe he is better off undergoing a convalescence period from the hectic routine of the band.

While the band members are keeping up appearances they too need a break from Zayn’s shenanigans. He was proving to be a very difficult personality for them all and his absence will be welcomed with relief.

Although on the surface things appear to be normal in fact ther are deep fissures in the structure of One Direction. Zayn and the rest of his buddies might be up for a split.

Meanwhile, Zayn’s sister Waliyha Malik requested everybody to let her brother be. She said that he had been hurt badly and was bleeding inside from the cruel and snide remarks passed against him by various people on the Internet.

He needed to be left alone at this stage in his life so that he could gather his resources and attain a level of at-one-ment necessary for wholeness. To spoil that opportunity for him would be like playing with his life. She also said that the rumors about him cheating on his fiancee with a woman in Phuket was just so much bosh and tosh.     


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