4chan Leaked Photos of Nude Jennifer Lawrence wreak Online Havoc

4chan Leaked Photos of Nude Jennifer Lawrence wreak Online Havoc

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Some leaked nude photos of celebs including Jennifer Lawrence, Avril Lavigne, Kate Upton, Lea Michele, and McKayla Maroney, on the 4chan website have wreaked online havoc by their sheer vulgarity and confidentiality-busting capacity.

A hacker began circulating rumors on the Internet that he would be releasing several nude photographs of celebrities on a site whose domain name is 4chan. And the expectations of pornography viewers seem to come true when the due date arrived. 

Already some of the pics which include full frontal shots of Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton have made their way to the site and these revelations in rear ends and buxom builds have shocked many sensibilities.

Among the long list of starlets whose bare-all images have flooded or will flood the site include in their purview: Avril Lavigne, Lea Michele and McKayla Maroney not to mention the two very famous celebs discussed about two sentences back.

Gawker posted the status of a Reddit user TheeDuke that shows the list of following celebrities whose nude pictures have been leaked:

By now some of the porno pics have gone viral on the Netscape. They are literally here, there and everywhere. This of course has led to a situation that can only be described as FUBAR (fouled up beyond any recognition).

What remains a mystery is how all these photos actually got posted and from where. But it seems that a person whose identity remains unknown began the whole game and soon the level of super-saturation reached its extreme on the site.

Some say that the celebs had had their accounts which contained the depictions broken into and thus this was the reason behind the oversupply of nude material. 

That these pics were not meant for public consumption is obvious though. And now some of the lascivious-minded chaps who frequent the Internet have started paying via bitcoin currency for the hot photos. 

Some actresses including Victoria Justice and pop starlets such as Ariana Grande have refused to acknowledge that it is their photos on the site though. They claim that the pics are fake copy-paste material. Some however have said that the pics are for real. 

The spokespersons for Jennifer Lawrence for one have affirmed that the pics of her in the nude are authentic and those who gain access to them without prior permission will be prosecuted in the end.

“This is a flagrant violation of privacy,” a spokesman for Jennifer Lawrence said in a statement.“The authorities have been contacted and will prosecute anyone who posts the stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence,”

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