Apple Store is Live: Pre-order iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Now

The new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are available for pre-order now at carriers and the Apple Store is now live too with 40 minutes delay.

New iPhone 6 Preorders Start To Work


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Apple Store is Live: Pre-order iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Now

Apple unveiled on Tuesday the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Again we knew almost everything about the new iPhones before the keynote through countless leaks from Asia.

The iPhone pre-order has started on AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint. Carrier sites are under heavy load. Carriers around the world are suffering outages. T-Mobile in Germany fails. Seems they are totally overwhelmed by demand for iPhone 6.

Update 0:55am PDT:

Apple Store is down again. It was online for 15 minutes. is the iPhone 6 pre-order inventory sold out already? Or is Apple just calming the load again?

The Apple Store is now live with a 40 minute delay. It looks like Apple Store operators have been waiting to avoid a big spike in load and wait until people give up and go to bed.

As you can see below the first customers trying to pre-order the iPhone 6 have given up and went to bed:

Let’s see how fast the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus pre-order inventory gets sold out tonight.

The only iPhone 6 you want is the iPhone 6 Plus. It has a better camera and better screen besides the 5.5-inch screen. It starts at $299 w/ contract.

The Apple Store is down ahead of the iPhone 6 Pre-order launch. The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus will ship on September 19.

Get your browser ready and load up the Apple Store.

Also a smart move is to load up the Apple Store App. There is a chance that the iPhone 6 will show up on the app earlier than on the site.

If you need some motivation to buy the iPhone 6, watch the iPhone 6 introduction video below.

Apple unveiled on 9.9.2014 the new iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iWatch aka Apple Watch, Apple Pay and more. See below the full reports.

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Details
Apple Watch Details
Apple Pay Details
iOS 8 Details
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Check out our in-depth reports on the iPhone 6 Rumors, the iPad evolution and the complete iWatch story.
Find more Apple News and Rumors in our Apple News Hub and on our new real-time Apple news site Apple Balla. What will Apple release in 2014? Read all the latest Apple rumors to find out. Current hot Apple products talked about include the iWatch, iPad Air 2 and iPhone 6.


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<a href="/latest_stories/all/all/2" rel="author">Luigi Lugmayr</a>
Luigi Lugmayr (Google) is the founding chief Editor of I4U News and brings over 15 years
experience in the technology field to the ever evolving and exciting
world of gadgets. He started I4U News back in 2000 and evolved it into
vibrant technology magazine.

Luigi can be contacted directly at [email protected].




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