Rosa Mendes is looking for an earnest and patient guy.
Rosa Mendes from Total Divas is Seeking the Right Guy!
Rosa Mendes is a brilliant girl with great looks and talent for her work. All the right combinations have made her excel in her career and gotten her the light of fame. Last week Rosa Mendes was driving with her fellow Diva named Nattie, and she got jubilant over the classy firemen that she saw getting on a truck nearby.
She got excited to see so many hot men at the same time. She revealed to Nattie that she had been resisting for a long time and had not had any one to one action with men since a long time. She also revealed that she was on the hunt for a better guy.
The other Diva asked her about the characteristics Rosa wanted to be present in her right guy. Rosa Mendes replied by saying that the perfect guy should be the one that must have the patience for the right time.
She said that most of the guys these days jump to a physical relationship when they start dating a new girl. She said that she wanted to wait before indulging in a physical relation to confirm that the guy she is dating is the “One” for her.
She also said that she wanted a guy who could wait on for her and also had patience. Rosa also implied that she wanted to go slow in a relationship as she was afraid of her heart getting broken again.
She said that she could not handle one more heart break since it might lead to a habit of drinking again. After that Nattie advised her that Rosa Mendes regarding her expectations about men that were really high.
She also advised her to lower her expectations or she would remain single for her whole life. Later on Rosa confirmed that she was going on a date with a football player named Gary Barnidge.
She went on a date with him and it proved to be a successful one. Later on, she revealed that she was going on a second date with the football player which might be the one for her.
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