Apple Watch looking to set health trend

Apple Watch looking to set health trend

Wearables are looking to be new fad

The International Consumer Electronics Show 2015 has come to an end and the buzz is still reeling in Las Vegas. Wearable technologies were one of the big draws at CES 2015 and by the end of the year, wearables are looking to be the next big thing. The Apple Watch is looking to be the leader in the wearables and smartwatch industry. FitBit CEO James Park is certainly one of those who is looking towards that Apple Watch being a game changer when it comes to health and fitness and wearable digital technology. Park believes that the Apple Watch could be a piece of technology that could change the world of fitness. He believes that a part of the Apple Watch market could become fitness geeks themselves and his FitBit app could be a huge contributor.

In a recent interview that was conducted during CES 2015, Park stated that while the Apple Watch has not came out and is still in the anticipatory stage, once the Apple Watch comes out on the market, a lot of folks will go inquire about the Apple Watch for its smart features. Several Apple Watch apps were revealed during CES 2015 and some of them were health and fitness related. With the simple touch of the watch and the speaking of the voice, a person can keep track of how many steps they have taken and how far they have traveled. There are even apps that warn a person if they are working out too hard or if they are working out too slow.

With that being said, it is certainly looking like the Apple Watch will be a product that will garner a huge consumer following. It is folks that are looking for some functionality and purpose in their smartwatch that will make the Apple Watch succeed. The Apple Watch will be able to set a fashion trend but at the same time have some purpose to it. In this day and time, that is what the consumer wants. The Apple Watch certainly looks like something that will be stylish but at the same time it will have all of the purpose for anyone and everybody in today’s society.

Now Watch

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