Amy Schumer Delivers Offbeat Acceptance Speech at Glamour Awards

Amy Schumer Delivers Offbeat Acceptance Speech at Glamour Awards

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  • Amy Schumer’s Offbeat Acceptance Speech for Glamour’s Trailblazer Award

Amy Schumer’s extremely offbeat acceptance speech for Glamour’s Trailblazer Award shocked some of the chick-lit editors in the room. She went into a no-(wo)man’s land of weirdness and skewed humor.

While the female comedian did have the grace to accept the award, she didn’t let the opportunity pass her by without lending the entire roomful of editors a view into her creepazoid mind. Amy Schumer went on and on about every subject underneath the sun with many an intermittent “ehem” as a pause of reference. The spiel she spouted dealt with the really bizarre, the truly revolutionary and some naughty but nice areas. 

The manner in which Amy poked a finger self-deprecatingly at the swollen belly of women’s mags and their age-old hackneyed topics made many of those seated in the audience laugh their heads off. She said that she had no trouble finding male paramours despite being obese. Then Schumer went on to claim that the first time she had her period, she also broke her front two teeth . She referred to this episode as feeling like a Halloween pumpkin with boobs and lycanthropic legs.  

Amy had the courage to say it like it is. And she also thanked Glamour magazine from the bottom of her heart for allowing her to just be who she was. This was a big step in the making of Amy Schumer. Yet Amy left no stone unturned to give the magazine hell although with a smile instead of a smirk. Many of the guests present in the audience took to Twitter later on to thank Amy for bringing happiness and laughter into their lives. 

Caitlan Moran said that Amy had blown the ceiling off the place with her verbal theatrical performance. She called her a goddess. As for Claudia Winkleman, she told everyone on Twitter to watch this wonderful woman say the unsayable. Amy said that on the contrary she felt glamorous enough to be present at the Glamour Awards. She also said self-effacingly that soon she will be left behind in the dustbin of history. Amy also called females badasses which is generally true of feminists (or feminazis as the new lingo has it). 

Amy said that she so desperately wanted a selfie with Goldie Hawn that she was not going to ask her for the favor. Then she told all the young women out there to get vaccinated for HPV since they had so much promiscuous sex. Finally, in the funniest ouevre she said that she wouldn’t be sure if she had wiped her nose on her underwear when she took it off later that night. Amy, you’re my kind of gal!

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