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Apple Incorporated seems to have truly slid down the scale of top corporations. It has lost ground and is finding it hard to climb back up to the top.
While the hardware that Apple possesses is just perfect, its software leaves much to the imagination, according to famous developer Marco Arment. This vital gap has increased to the point where it is causing some serious problems.
“Apple’s hardware today is amazing — it has never been better. But the software quality has taken such a nosedive in the last few years that I’m deeply concerned for its future,” Marco wrote in his blog post.
While the laptop on which Marco wrote his blog has a lot going for it, the viruses and glitches in the Operating System are not very pleasing. Apple /4/just have lost its soul.
The fact that it barely functions is taken as proof of its manageability. But the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And it is there that bad taste comes to the fore.
The high claims and flatulent boasting ought to be taken with a grain of salt. Skeptics say that Apple doesn’t measure up when it comes to functionality and that is that. While yesterday it was the remark of average that it got, today it is not good that is the common label.
Linux is frankly speaking a pain in the neck! Whatever inner disputes and internal politics that Apple is undergoing, it has debased its software thus leading to a general loss of faith and crisis in the system.
The troubles that emerge on an unheard of scale have led to much bickering and complaints among the consumer base. But the rectification of this software glitch will not get accomplished in a hurry. It will take time before the whole system is smoothly made manageable.
And it is not just media hype and astute marketing that will get Apple out of this software sogginess. No, sir! Rather a point of order must be made and that too posthaste. Apple doesn’t need to introduce Operating Systems every year nor do we need brand new gimmicky features every year.
Rather we need workable stuff that doesn’t let us down. It ought to function smoothly and we couldn’t care two hoots for the streamlined design or useless manifold features.
The thing is its process in which it runs on the hardware. What after all is the use of all that hardware if you do not have any good software running on it. Apple would do well to pay heed to this advice which is well meant and only a feedback of sorts.
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