Apple iPhone 6 won’t meet demand until November

The iPhone 6 becomes available in walk-in stores this Friday

Apple iPhone 6 won't meet demand until November


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Apple iPhone 6 won’t meet demand until November

The time isn’t far when the iPhone 6 would be on the shelves of and be careful because we are talking about the 4.7 inch version of the Apple phone which is simply known as the iPhone 6. Though the fruit company is all set to fill in the stores, we are already aware of the trend that the demand for the popular smartphone skyrockets. However, we are getting this from the Apple sources that Apple will not be able to meet the initial demand of the iPhone 6 and its struggle to catch up with the market and meet the demand is going to go on till November.

The increasing demand is certainly not surprising for us because the iPhone 6 has brought in a revolutionary change for the company and has finally put an end to its stubbornness to launch a phone with a larger screen. We can pretty much see how much interest was being developed in the phone since the past couple of months from the record breaking pre orders during the first 24 hours.

Let us remind you that the iPhone 6 is going to be in stores by this Friday but beware because the stocks are not going to last for a long time and most of the users will be expected to wait beyond September.

source: fudzilla



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<a href="/latest_stories/all/all/32" rel="author">Ahmed Humayun</a>
Ahmed Humayun is a technology journalist bringing you the hottest tech stories of the day.




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