Apple Watch CPU is Made by Samsung

Apple Watch CPU is Made by Samsung

Asian supply channel report claims that Samsung is making the CPU inside the Apple Watch.

Apple and Samsung /4/be getting closer again if this report from Asia is correct. According to Digitimes, Samsung is supplying the CPU found inside the upcoming Apple Watch. Sources of Digitimes say that Samsung’s 28nm technology will be used to produce the Apple Watch CPU.

The Samsung Apple Watch CPU is supposed to be packaged inside the Apple S1 System-in-package (SiP), which houses mobile DRAM, NAND flash and other peripheral chips. Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE) is according to the report the supplier of the SiP modules for the Apple Watch.

Another Digitimes nugget is that Apple Watch shipments have been reportedly revised down to 10 million units for 2015. The Apple Watch 2 is supposed to be though much higher. TMSC is going to compete with Samsung for the Apple Watch 2 CPU contract the report concludes.

What are the chances that this Digitimes report has any merit? Slim. We will have to wait for the first Apple Watch teardown to find out who is making the Apple Watch CPU.

The Apple Watch is expected to be released in March based on the most recent rumors.

Find more Apple News and Rumors in our Apple News Hub. What will Apple release in 2015? One thing is for sure, the Apple Watch is among the new 2015 Apple releases. Read all the latest Apple rumors including everything there is to know about the Apple Watch.

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