Apple Watch to have diabetes app

Apple Watch to have diabetes app

Watch to monitor glucose levels

The Apple Watch has already been known to have several health and fitness aspects to it. It will be able to monitor a person’s heartbeat and will also be able to act as a pedometer. Diabetics should be excited to know that the Apple Watch will have an app for them as well. DexCom, a developer and maker of medical products and devices, will have an app for the Apple Watch that will allow for diabetics to able to track and monitor their glucose levels via a graph.

The way that this new app will work is that a person would have a body sensor that they would wear around their waist and abdomen. The sensor is engineered to measure your glucose levels at five minute increments and that information is sent to a remote and wireless device. The information from that device is then sent to an iPhone which then is sent to the Apple Watch. All the information will be sent to the Apple Watch without a person having to keep checking the remote DexCom device or their iPhone.

Analysts say that the app by DexCom will be available when the Apple Watch launches in April. The app will come in two versions: a self viewing of data app and then an app where the person can share the information with someone else. This will be an excellent tool for diabetes patients as they would be able to share their glucose levels to their doctors and physicians.

The DexCom compatible app with the Apple Watch is one that is determined by the Food and Drug Administration to be Class III which means that it is applied to the body. The FDA has cleared it for the Apple Watch because the Apple Watch meets the minimum Class II designation which means all that it does is show recorded data. At the current time, the DexCom app will only be available for the Apple Watch and no other smartwatches.

Source: WSJ


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