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- Cate Blanchett Admitted That She Has Never Had A Sexual Relationship With A Woman
She is the star of Todd Hayne’s movie, Carol that is being displayed at Cannes 2015. She said that her words about same sex relationships were recently taken out of context and she also wants to look forward to a time when people wouldn’t need to discuss their sexuality so publicly.
Almost two years ago there was a movie called Blue is the Warmest Color. This movie won several awards including the Palme d’Or. This was a movie about an affair between two young French women.
This year another movie is set to win a couple of awards and it is again on female same sex relationship and is called Carol. Todd Haynes made this movie and it is an adaption of Patricia Highsmith’s The Price of Salt which is an affair story between a shop assistant and married mother.
The timeline of the story is set in the early 1950s and in New York. The movie has received some good reviews after it had a run in Cannes. The movie received five star reviews across the board. The movie is expected to be nominated in several categories for the Oscar awards.
Cate Blanchett was at a press conference and she talked about an interview she had with Variety magazine last week. In that interview it sounded like she was coming out as bisexual. She said in that interview that she had had many past relationships with women.
Cate is a mother of four children and she said that her words were judiciously edited for effect. She said that when she was asked about whether she has had relationships with women, she said that she had.
Cate said that she also wanted to clarify that she’s never had a sexual relationship with women. Cate said that its 2015 and now it shouldn’t matter to people whether she has had a same sex relationship or not. She thought that the world would be more open now and now people shouldn’t care if someone had a same sex experience in the early part of their lives.
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