Colleges ban smartwatches during examination

Colleges ban smartwatches during examination

For fear of cheating, students in colleges will be asked to remove their watches before examination

Smartwatches do have tons of benefits for the users however they are increasingly becoming feared at schools. Increase in users of smartwatches would mean that students have got themselves just another chance to have a little peak at something during their exams. As we all know, these devices have to be connected to our smartwatches, meaning that they are essentially communication tools. This makes the device able to perform a bunch of tasks such as letting users have a look at the time, check their notifications or even looking at some information which can conveniently answer the questions on their tests.

This is why it doesn’t surprise us why these devices would be banned on the premises of schools and colleges. As for now, most of these colleges imposing bans on smartwatches are located in Britain and includes University of London and London’s City University. Since it is almost impossible to individually check every student’s wristwatch to determine whether it is just a traditional time piece or a smartwatch, the colleges have ordered students to remove all sorts of wristwatches before examinations.

Some of us might be of the view that this is unfair particularly for those who want to have their time right on their wrists and are only innocently wearing traditional watches but it seems fair on part of the colleges if we think that these communication devices are being treated like any other connecting device or a smartphone for that matter. There is still some leverage and the smartwatches wont be put away all through the semester because there is no obligation to take them off during lectures.

source: buzzfeed

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