Colt McCoy Will Be Put to The Test By Washington Redskins After Cousins Failure

Colt McCoy Will Be Put to The Test By Washington Redskins After Cousins Failure

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Colt McCoy Will Be Put to The Test By Washington Redskins After Cousins Failure

Desperate times call for desperate measures. The Washington Redskins have found themselves between the rock and a hard place after failing to record any victory in the last two seasons. Apparently, Kirk Cousins will bear all the blame for failing to seize the opportunities in the last seven matches.

According to Rantsports, Kirk was brought on board after the team’s executives were dissatisfied with Robert Griffin III. It seems Robert was much better because Kirk hurled three interceptions when Redskins clashed with Giants. This is due to the fact that Robert only got two interceptions.

Prior to Kirk’s faults, it looked like the Redskins would carry the day only for them to loose in the last quarter . Perhaps the team’s management is convinced that they are better of without Kirk. According to a statement issued by Brian Mitchel, the team is running out of options and that is why they are considering bringing in Colt McCoy.

“This is NFL : you are in NFL because you are exceptional,”argued Mitchel during Comcast Sportnet show that was held ahead of the game. “You’re better than the other people out there. You’re supposed to be able to make plays that other guys don’t make. And I think we have to hold Kirk to the same standard we held Robert to. And if Kirk Cousins can’t get the job done, then there’s another quarterback sitting there.

“There are people on this football team that, from one to 53, are professional athletes. And too many times, as coaches and as players, we get stuck into wanting certain people to be the guy. When Robert went down, everyone said Kirk was the guy. And Kirk hasn’t gotten the job done, just like Robert wasn’t getting the job done. Well, why not move on to somebody else?”

“If you can’t get it done in the fourth quarter — when that’s when you make your name — then it’s time for them to start trying to see if the rest of the guys on this team can play. Colt McCoy is the next guy out there. I don’t see what the problem would be.

“We’re sitting at 1-5, okay?” Michell went on. “[Cousins is] 1-7 as a starter. People tell me he passed for 400-some yards; they lost. He passed for 300-some yards today; they lost. And no, it’s not all his fault. But there are things that are his fault, that he has control over going down the stretch. This game is about getting the best of the best out there, and all 53 guys are professional athletes. And until the best is on the field, then the coaches aren’t doing their job.” His argument resulted in a heated debate on Twitter as Redskins fans gave their opinion regarding the move.

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