Demonstrators Protest at Black Friday Sales in Ferguson

Demonstrators Protest at Black Friday Sales in Ferguson

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Demonstrators against the release from custody of the white cop who killed a Black teenager recently protested at Black Friday sales in Ferguson, Missouri.

Protesters in Ferguson, Missouri targeted Black Friday sales outlets after the decision by a grand jury to let go of any charges of manslaughter against a white cop named Darren Wilson who had shot a Black teenager Michael Brown. It was a novel method of venting their frustration against the decision by the jury to let the cop go scot-free. 

Over 75 demonstrators showed their dissatisfaction at the decision by nonviolently chanting “Hands Up! Don’t Shoot!” as surprised shoppers came in front of them with trolleys laden with goods. The protesters quietly disbanded when a cordon of police officers told them to disband. 

They moved on to a Target store where they recommenced the dramatic gestures. The strong feelings of racial animosity in Ferguson have sparked a nationwide debate regarding the question of discrimination based on the color of one’s skin. Even President Obama sent a message on the matter saying that we needed to look deeper into such issues.  

The grand jury’s decision regarding the inculpability of police officer Darren Wilson caused violent riots in which fire was set to many businesses in the town and over a hundred troublemakers were arrested. The head of the recent protesters who were not violent has said that they /4/be bruised but they were not broken. 

They were going to reassess their situation and were not going to take any aggression from anybody. Ferguson is a town where most of the inhabitants are black while the majority of those in government and administrative posts are white.

Michael Brown, the unarmed teen who died in the altercation leaves behind him his family which is very much in grief at the whole event. They want justice and justice delayed is justice denied. The teenager was a large framed and aggressive young man who assaulted the police officer.

According to Darren Wilson, he charged him and was threatening him with physical violence. In the final encounter between the two, Darren saw him reach for what looked like a weapon hidden away in his pocket.

So Darren fired point blank at his skull and killed him on the spot. Darren says that he thought it was his life or the teenager’s and so he acted in sheer self defense. 

Source: Reuters, WSJ

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