Eric Holder will use Full Authority to Reform Ferguson Police

Eric Holder will use Full Authority to Reform Ferguson Police

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US Attorney General Eric Holder has reassured the residents of Ferguson, Missouri that full action will be taken against the Ferguson Police Department if they are found guilty of racial abuse.

Eric Holder is ready to dismantle the Ferguson Police Department. He said that we are prepared to use all power that we have to ensure that the situation changes. A reporter asked Eric if the Justice Department was going to dismantle the police.

He replied and said, if that’s required then we’re prepared to do that. Whereas Civil rights lawyers said county could absorb the functions of the Ferguson PD. Justice Department issued a report in which it was found that the police in Ferguson has arrested black residents and that the PD is creating a toxic environment.

Last August, one of the white police officers shot a black resident Michael Brown. He was just 18 years old and the police officer was accused of shooting the unarmed boy. Since that incident, everyone in America has been talking about the ‘Ferguson Shooting’.

It has become a national debate. Even the show Last Week Tonight With John Oliver made a report on the incident. Holder claims that if necessary, he would break up the Ferguson police. Eric Holder knows that the federal governments has no authority to demand changes in local governments.

But Holder said that the President’s task force on policing will issue guidelines to address jailing citizens who owe money to the city and this practice is used in Ferguson. According to Reuters, Justice Department will meet with officials from Ferguson and they will talk about the reforms.

It is to be noted that if no consensus is reached, the Justice Department can sue and force reform. Knowles said that there are many things in the report that are troubling and they need to be addresses.

Two police officers resigned after the Justice Department highlighted racist emails which where sent by police and court employees. The police officers were identified and there name are Rick Henke and William Mudd.

One of the email depicted the President Barack Obama as a chimpanzee and one mocked through speech stereotypes. A third described a man who wanted to get welfare because he had dogs with mixed colors.


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