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- Facebook shows NFL Scenes with Help from Verizon.
Facebook is into showing NFL post game highlights and other video clips with a little advertising help from Verizon.
Facebook has partnered with the NFL and now it is into displaying online video clips. The NFL will be posting brief video clips of its action sequences on Facebook pretty soon. These shots will display main scenes from the game.
Such highly exciting moments such as a recently-occurring catch by a NY Giants receiver especially was up for grabs. Besides this NFL news and fantasy football discussions are also the order of the day. These clips are interspersed with advertisements by Verizon Wireless.
Facebook and NFL will share the profits from the ads. This hasn’t been settled in a final manner though. Facebook will be having other firms joining it soon. Facebook is definitely riding high and ready for the big time.
It wants a social online presence and will do anything – and by that we mean anything – in order to accomplish the impossible. The NFL isn’t an easy code to crack. It is a very special coterie of sports passion and play. And anyone that manages to get a deal with them is no small entity. Mark Zuckerberg definitely has the savvy to get what he wants on an organizational level.
The vision. The moves. Shake off multiple defenders. TD! That’s BeastMode: http://t.co/yKolD6fpZW #PreciselyPlayed pic.twitter.com/mjOwABv43Q— NFL (@nfl) December 25, 2014
The NFL doesn’t much rely on the Internet. It does not even have its own YouTube video channel. Yet the fact that it has decided to get chummy with Facebook shows that something is up that we don’t know about.
But now it appears to be the case that the NFL has decided to pursue a different path. It is onto the digital life. The most recent event that transpired was NFL Now which is a web-based content show.
Second-string –> Starter –> SB champ. 4 first-hand accounts of backup QBs claiming glory: http://t.co/SZHVM0EyPE pic.twitter.com/yvHQfakHZF— NFL (@nfl) December 25, 2014
Facebook is meanwhile wooing and cajoling YouTube creators in its quest for social content that will boost its ratings. The world’s largest social online site will be trying to gain an online sports presence whether by hook or by crook.
And YouTube takes at least 45% of its commission from those who broadcast themselves via its video clips. The NFL is a national institution. Whenever the superbowl comes along, the sports extravaganza gets going and people everywhere in particular diehard fans eat doritos dipped in cheese and guacamole dips while watching the sports on television.
But now that Facebook is ready to join hands with the NFL, things are going to change and the service will be available online too.
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