Florida State University Shooting injures Three; Pray for FSU

Florida State University Shooting injures Three; Pray for FSU

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A shooting by a deranged gunman at Florida State University severely injured three individuals before he was brought down for good by the police.

The students cowered and shivered in fright in the narrow spaces between book racks in the library of Florida State University when a gunman started spraying bullets aimlessly on campus. The unfortunate event took place in the early morning on Thursday. Three were injured.

Two of these are in medical care centers. One of these is in a struggle between life and death. The other one has recovered yet needs time to heal properly from his wounds. The third was given first aid on the spot and released to go and convalesce at home.

All three are pupils and alumni of the university. The police on campus gunned down the armed perpetrator after he opened fire on them too when he was apprehended. The police chief of Tallahassee said that this was a case of a mad loner who had probably gone way off the deep end.

He further said that there was no further foreseeable danger to the public from such an anomalous case. He did say this much that the reason behind the shooting remained a mystery. Brain chemicals gone awry? A personal grudge? Only time will tell. 

The FSU shooting started sometime in the middle of the night at the library. Since the library is open 24 hours a day, this was an ideal opportunity for the killer who entered it and started the madness and mayhem. It is not clear if the criminal was a student.

There were over 300-400 students preparing for their final exams inside the library. It is a miracle that none of these were outright killed. It is hoped that the one seriously wounded member of the university will also recover from his ailment soon enough. And many people pray for the FSU victim.

The students of Florida State University have been warned by the authorities to keep a low profile since one never knows what /4/happen anytime due to the delicate nature of the incident. There /4/be others like this lunatic around that want to exact revenge in his name.

The students remained inside the library and blocked the doors and windows with the desks and furniture available. The entire campus of Florida State University is deserted for now. There is pin drop silence outside expect for the sounds of the cops present on the scene.

All further classes and exams have been cancelled after the FSU shooting. The people concerned such as the family members, relatives and friends of those in quarantine pray for FSU and its denizens. It was indeed a very frightening scenario.

And it will be some time before things fall into perspective for the near and dear ones of the three victims of this illogical shooting. Especially all those concerned about the one victim that is in critical condition pray for this particular FSU student. /4/he soon recover from the horrible situation he is in currently. 

Sources: CNN , NBCNews

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