George Clooney Golden Globe Speech surprises Amal Clooney

George Clooney Golden Globe Speech surprises Amal Clooney

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George Clooney took everyone by surprise by his Golden Globe speech which was hilarious and serious in equal measures. His wife Amal Clooney was also taken aback by his speech.

George Clooney recently received the Cecil B. DeMille Award at the Golden Globes and the handsome and smart man gave quite the quintessential speech which wowed the audience. He started out by saying that it was indeed an honor to be given the award.

Then he thanked the audience along with his two costars that were standing close by on the stage. He said that it was an occasion when some people gave snarky comments about each other on stage and they ought to apologize to each other later on.

Then he said that he was especially thankful for the fact that Hollywood had enabled him to actually act in small films besides the big ones. According to Clooney, the big ones took care of themselves, but it was the small ones that needed prodding and extra special attention.

He said that not everyone could be a winner in the audience and that over 80% of them would not be receiving any award. That automatically made them losers. This /4/have been the only rude remark by Clooney in his otherwise tragicomic speech. 

He referred to his wife Amal Clooney by saying that it is a humbling experience when you find someone to love. George said that it was especially so when you had waited for such a woman all your life.  

George then hilariously mentioned that he was 53 years old when he tied the knot to Amal. He furthermore spoke of how whatever alchemy had brought him close to her, he was damned proud to be her husband.

George Clooney also wore a solidarity pin that commemorated the journalists killed in Paris recently. He dedicated his award to the martyrs and declared freedom of speech to be the only thing that mattered.

When George mentioned Amal by name, she was dressed in a black Dior gown in the audience and she beamed back her approval at him. He also spoke of the deceased Robin Williams from the film Dead Poets Society and said that his phrase “Carpe Diem” was of the essence.

George said that such an awards ceremony was a good opportunity to catch up with old friends. George Clooney also said that the people who were marching in peaceful protests around the world against the killing of the French journalists came from all three religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.    

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