Google Car Initiative to go ahead via Android

Google Car Initiative to go ahead via Android

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Google is taking an initiative in its quest for a car and it is to go ahead with it via Android facility.

Google is busy tinkering with its new vehicle and it will add Android to the inner workings of the car, according to Reuters. This would allow its drivers to use the Internet within the confines of their four wheelers. And they won’t even need to use any smart phones to turn on the facility.

This venture is an advancement over the prevailing Android Auto software program by Google. This allows a smart phone to be plugged into the car when drivers want to use the Net amenity. Such vehicles will come into existence sometime next year.

Google though is still taciturn as far as implanting Android Auto in its cars is concerned. The next plan is termed Android M and it might be a year or two in the making.

This information comes to us from inside sources that have especially requested that their real identity not be disclosed. This way Google is going to be really participating in the vehicular structure instead of just being a bystander. 

It is hoped that Android will become a major system operating the cars that Google will soon be churning out on a regular basis. This in turn will have repercussions on how Google fares in comparison with Apple which is its main competitor in the field. A car with the world at its beck and call is a boon and a blessing.

The first hand access to the Internet facility in the car ensures that drivers won’t need anything extraneous to turn on the world wide web. Many of the gadgets and gizmos in the car can be turned on with a mere turn of the ignition switch. It is that simple.

Google has further plans to persuade auto makers to integrate its special features into their vehicles too. This is the long shot though (or in Google Speak, the moon shot). The world’s high tech companies are engaged in a race against time to manufacture the most innovative wearables, apps and other related paraphernalia.

Apple has its CarPlay and Google too signed on so many other partners in its bid to create its Android Auto platform. These partners include in their ranks Hyundai, GM and Nissan. With an Android facility embedded in a car, Google is ready to make the Net truly go viral in its accessibility. 

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