Google says Mobilegeddon has Rolled Out

Google says Mobilegeddon has Rolled Out

A Googler confirmed that the Mobile-Friendly update is rolled 100% at some Google Data centers. Still, Webmasters don’t see any impact.

On Tuesday Google started to implement the mobile-friendly search update, dubbed by the media Mobilegeddon. Days later, there has not been a bloodbath in search ranks. Google’s John Mueller said though on Friday that the mobile-friendly update is live and completely rolled out at some Google Data centers. So why do webmaster see no change?

Mueller said according to SearchEngineLand: “From the first day to the next day, I don’t think you’ll see a big change. But if you compare last week to next week, then you should see a big change.”

There are some reports of minor movements in SERPs, but nothing that is dramatic. We don’t see any shift at all in the traffic patterns of I4U News. Next week might show a different picture if John Mueller is correct. 

As reported, 46% of the Fortune 500 companies do not have a mobile optimized site. This could potentially give smaller sites a chance on more mobile traffic.

Google said earlier this week that the Mobilegeddon announcement two month ago has pushed 4.7% more sites to upgrade to offer a mobile version. This sounds not that much, but translates likely in several hundred thousand sites that implemented mobile friendly solution over the past two months.

Google insists that the mobile-friendly signal is just one of over 200 signals that Google uses to evaluate the best results. Google says that non-mobile-friendly sites won’t disappear from mobile Search results, they /4/still rank high if they hold great content the user wants.


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