Iggy Azalea Rant against Papa Johns Pizza on Twitter

Iggy Azalea Rant against Papa Johns Pizza on Twitter

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Pre-Grammy female rapper, Iggy Azalea wrote a rant against Papa John’s Pizza for allowing their delivery drivers to give out the telephone numbers of stars to their relatives.

All that Iggy Azalea wanted before the Grammys 2015 Award Ceremony was a thick and chewy cheese pizza from Papa John’s. But it looks like she will be switching over to Pizza Hut or Dominoes from now onwards after her bitter experience.

Watch Photo Gallery of Hot and Sexy Iggy Azalea at Grammys.

Iggy got the pizza and ate it with delight but she also got her private cell number given out to relatives of the delivery guy. This infuriated her since whoever now had her number was text messaging her furiously and with passion. The person said that he was his number one fan and wanted to meet her.

Iggy complained about this on her Twitter page and soon her fans were agreeing with her and dissing Papa John’s Pizza.

The result was that later on Papa John’s also sent a message and said that it was their mistake and they accepted it. They in particular wanted to apologize for the lapse in judgment and requested Iggy not to reject them in retaliation. 

Iggy also spoke of how when she complained to the management of Papa John’s they said that they would keep her updated but they didn’t do nothing to control their delivery boys from doing something that was unethical.

The way a relative of the delivery guy was being frank and straightforward with Iggy was particularly nauseating. It left her angry and at a loss as to what to do. So Iggy decided to cash in upon her fame and went ahead and delivered the rant of a lifetime on Twitter.

This /4/mean that many of her fans and well wishers will also switch from Papa John’s to Pizza Hut or Dominoes instead. So much the worse for Papa John’s which should have taken care to employ worthier delivery guys instead of the louts who gave out Iggy’s number to their relatives.

Many times it has occurred that famous people of celebs have been stalked by complete strangers who then become obsessed by them and try and follow them to the bitter end. This has happened in the West and it has also taken place with many Bollywood starlets.

The only solution to such possible danger is complete vigilance. Iggy’s only mistake was giving the order for the pizza from her personal mobile. Iggy Azalea too ought to have been more careful.    


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