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Chelsea Handler explains on Conan why Jason Biggs peed on her. Watch the Vine of the funny but disgusting scene. This really happened apparently.
Comedian and talk show host Chelsea Handler sat down with Conan to explain a video that appeared that shows actor Jason Biggs peeing on her face. This is the weirdest thing I have written about in a long time. A celebrity pees on another celebrity and the whole thing gets talked about on Late Night.
Here is the scene. Chelsea Handler is in the water at a boat and Biggs is standing on the boat peeing down. Watch a Vine video of the disgusting but funny clip below.
Chelsea Handler took the incident lighthearted and it seems to have really happened. She said she was so surprised to see Biggs penis that she could not swim away.
Chelsea Handler said also that she found the whole situation so funny that she had to laugh so hard.
A week ago her standup program Uganda Be Kidding Me got released on Netflix. Chelsea Handler brings her raw, raucous, and raunchy comedic stylings to online video streaming. Recounting Chelsea’s hilarious romp through Africa, Uganda Be Kidding Me is a stand-up special that defies anything even remotely resembling a filter. Filmed in Chicago during her latest tour. Watch the funny trailer below.